Last week there was a massive Asia Day party to honor all of the Asian nations represented at the institute. This particular party is usually the biggest and most well attended of all the international events throughout the year. The food served is delish and diverse and I found myself returning for thirds and forths as if I wouldn't be fed again for a week. My favorite dish? Hm, maybe the coconut dessert drink. But the Malaysian spring rolls were a close second favorite. David dug the kimchi, but that's not too surprising. Spicy, fermented cabbage is his kryptonite. Aside from the impressive amount of the tasty homemade Asian dishes, the fashion show, Chinese dancing, and karaoke really set this event over the top. No wonder it's an institute favorite. It's mine too.
Fashion Show
Asian Feast
Chinese dancing and Filipino singing
The captivated audience
The event took place on the lawn behind the institute's restaurant
A little origami to boot
I'm not totally certain about the other events being held in the fall. However I do know that there's talk of an Africa Day coming up. Come November there's certain to be a Thanksgiving dinner and in December, either a Winter Ball or Christmas dinner (these events alternate each year).