Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Work Hard, Play Hard

David and I were busy bees this weekend.  We spent Saturday working hard as we comparison shopped for a new camera and we spent Sunday playing hard as we stretched our legs in the Wienerwald.

Here we are taking a Kaffee und Kucken break after camera shopping along Westbahnstraße.

We began our Sunday stroll through the Wienerwald at Schloss Wilhelminenberg in the north-western corner of Vienna.

 View of city from the hilltop.

Vineyards at Schloss Wilheminenberg

We didn't hike the entire Stadtwanderweg 4a, but we did stroll along the path until we wandered into the Steinhofgründe.

It's Bärlauch season!

Scenes in the Steinhofgründe. . .

As you can imagine, we had a lovely spring weekend here in Vienna.  I hope you all enjoyed an equally successful and relaxing couple of days.


Sonja said...

Don't you love to say the word Wienerwald? Some German words are just awesome. I especially like Spatziergang and Wurstgeschäft too. :)

Unknown said...

Everything is just awesome in Vienna. Clearly you two help make it so awesome, but seriously, that chocolate cake? The kaffe? The views of your beautiful city? The blooming Wienerwald? People enjoying nature and each other? Uh. I love it. You work hard, you play hard. I think it also means you also love hard.

Katrin said...

A very new part of Vienna to me. I might have to put it on my to-do-list. :)

Simone Crown said...

Das Wochenende war wirklich schön sonnig! Perfekt für lange Spaziergänge!

rockinkez said...

new to me too! yet somewhere else for me to add to my places to go list!

Jennifer said...

You are so kind to not only be enjoying your strolls around the city, but to share them with new citizens and excite them to your world....is awesome.

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