Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Austrian Anthem Alteration

I like Austria very much.  For loads of reasons: it's coffee, its cleanliness, its reliable and efficient public transportation systems, its coffee, its Apfeltascherl, its parks, its hiking trails, its museums, its dog culture, its mountains, and its coffee.

Just yesterday I learned of another reason to be proud of where we now live. Apparently, the  Bundeshymne (national anthem) is being altered to include a reference to women.  The original 1947 version of the anthem currently acknowledges only the nation's "great sons," but the new version will include a reference to "daughters" as well.  While the exact text has yet to be decided, it's a fair and important step that the main parties in parliament have agreed that women should be acknowledged and part of the anthem's text will be changed.  Well done, Austria.  Well done.

National Anthem of Austria (first verse, current version)

Land der Berge, Land am Strome,

Land der Äcker, Land der Dome,

Land der Hämmer, zukunftsreich.

Heimat bist du großer Söhne, (to be altered as "Heimat großer Töchter, Söhne")
Volk begnadet für das Schöne,

Vielgerühmtes Österreich,

Vielgerühmtes Österreich!

{English Translation}

Land of mountains, land on the River,

Land of fields, land of spires,

Land of hammers, with a rich future,

You are the home of great sons, (to be altered as "You are the home of great daughters, sons")
A nation blessed by its sense of beauty,

Highly praised Austria, highly praised Austria.


Dorte said...

That's a lot of coffee in the header :) Love it. Thanks for your post on our blog, and for adding us to your blog roll. I look forward to reading more in here as soon as I get a little get more time on my hand. Will definitely come back.

Lydia (See Beautiful) said...

Standing O! I LOVE it!

Jennifer said...

WAY cool...

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